Federación Nacional de Asociaciones ALCER
Federación Nacional de Asociaciones ALCER is a non-profit making organization of patients with kidney conditions. ALCER is the acronym of Association Fighting Against Kidney Diseases, and today are formed by 53 local associations across all Spanish geography. ALCER´s mission is to improve the quality of life of people with kidney diseases and their families.
ALCER was created in 1976, by the author of the Spanish Transplant Law draft (promoted in 1979) and was declared as a Public Useful Entity in 1984 by the Minister Council in Spain. In 1989, under pressure of ALCER, was created the Spanish Transplant Organization, today the most successful transplant organization worldwide. In 2015 was one of the authors of the framework document about the prevention of chronic kidney disease promoted by the Spanish Ministry of Health.
In addition, ALCER was co-founder of CEAPIR, the first Kidney Patients Federation in Europe, nowadays EKPF.
ALCER offers kidney patients and relatives psycho-social and nutrition support, health educational programs and awareness events. From National Federation we raise the voice at policymakers and other stakeholders. Finally, from our Foundation promote and participate in researches to find best options and project for people with kidney diseases.
ADER Asociación De Enfermos de Riñón
Since its foundation, ADER has made an important contribution to society by organising events and developing projects with the aim of improving the quality of life of kidney patients in all aspects and has informed the population about the need to become an organ donor in order to favour transplants and thus improve the quality of life of patients on the waiting list for a transplant.
To assist renal patients in medical, social, psychological and work-related aspects in order to achieve their full integration into society.
To maintain the relationship and contact with scientific centres and institutions, regional, national and foreign, in order to facilitate the best dialysis and renal transplantation.
The promotion of research into the problems posed by renal diseases in their medical-health and socio-economic aspects.
Collaboration with all those public and private entities whose activity may lead to the achievement of the aims of the association.
The promotion of organ donation by raising public awareness.