Njurförbundet – Swedish Kidney Associaion

 Was founded in 1969 and is a national organization for people with kidney disease, their relatives and living kidney donors in Sweden. The association has 15 regional associations in the country with about 4,400 members.

One of the main tasks is to promote and safeguard the interests of kidney patients with regard to treatment, care, rehabilitation and social security. The work is based on the Idea Program and Guidelines for good kidney care.

Focus areas decided by the General Assembly:

  • Kidney Health Care
  • Dialysis
  • Transplantation
  • Organ donation
  • Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
  • Rehabilitation
  • Children and young people
  • Information
  • Labor market, education and social security
  • Research



Mr. Hakan Hedman
Tel. +46-(0) 70 718 16 70

Swedish Kidney Association (Njurförbundet)
Drakenbergsgatan 6, bv
SE-117 41 Stockholm
Tel. +46 (0) 8 546 405 00

Contact person:
Mrs. Sara Norman, Office Manager
Tel. +46 (0) 8 545 405 01

Current business:

  • A report has been compiled with data from the Swedish Kidney Register (SNR) with various quality parameters on kidney care in Sweden. The report shows differences between different regions. In the report, the Swedish Kidney Association has chosen to focus on self-dialysis and home dialysis.
  • The Swedish Kidney Association, together with the medical profession, has published a national care program for self-care in dialysis, which is also available with English translation.
  • The Kidney Association plans to develop its Children and Youth activities through a three-year project.
  • Recruitment of members is an ongoing work and the association wants to focus on people at an early stage of kidney disease.
  • Information is a main task and the association is constantly working to inform the public about kidney disease, early detection and connection between kidney disease and high blood pressure.
  • Since March 2020, the association has had a lot of focus on COVID-19 and informed the members.
  • Organ donation is an important part of the association’s advocacy work. An amendment to the Transplantation Act will be decided which will remove many
    obstacles to organ donation from the deceased.

The Swedish Kidney Foundation – Njurfonden

The Swedish Kidney Foundation was founded in 2013 on the initiative of the Swedish Kidney Association. It is a foundation that raises money to support research on kidney disease and kidney transplants. Just over 1 million euros are distributed annually to various research projects.

National care program for self-care in dialysis