EKPF participates in the WHO Advisory Group on People Living with Non-Communicable Diseases
The World Health Organization’s Global Coordinating Mechanism for Noncommunicable Diseases (GCM/NCD) is developing a Framework Document for the involvement of people living with Noncommunicable Diseases (PLWNCD) and mental health conditions (MHC) that will guide WHO and European Member States in the meaningful involvement of people living with these diseases in the joint design of policies, programmes and principles.
This Framework Document will be the first WHO resource to provide guidance, principles, recommendations and case studies to support the implementation of meaningful involvement of people with noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and mental health problems (MH). It will also help WHO Member States and other key partners to integrate meaningful participation into the co-design and implementation of their NCD and MH programmes, practices and policies.
To this end, regional consultations are being held, which support the co-creation of participatory development processes and explore the importance of how to implement them with the meaningful involvement of people with NCDs and MH problems at regional and national levels. Discussions during the regional consultations will build on recent WHO informal consultations on this and people living with diabetes, with input for the co-creation and co-development of the framework. Six virtual consultations are planned between January and May 2022. Daniel Gallego, President of the National Federation of ALCER Associations and the European Kidney Patient Federation (EKPF), participated in today’s consultation on 31 March, representing people with kidney disease (Non Communicable Disease).